Chicken Wisdom From A Mayan Shaman; Twin Beaks Chicken Podcast Episode 10

This week we take the show to Guatemala for a very special look at chickens Mayan Style!  We spent a month in the Lake Atitlan area of Guatemala, exploring through the Mayan tribal villages in search of chicken secrets and ancient chicken wisdom!  Amber and I were lucky enough to stay for a week with our friend Alex, his wife Juana, and their wonderful family.  Alex’s mother in law, (also named Juana) is a local elder and village shamaness who was gracious enough to sit down with us for an interview about chickens- from the Mayan perspective. You won’t want to miss this one-  How does a Mayan shamaness treat a chicken?  Like a cake!

A chicken bus; Mayans know the proper place for a chicken and give them the balcony seats!

We’ll also talk about how chickens are raised in the villages.  This might be of particular interest to you homesteader/prepper/permaculture and budget chicken raising types.  No fancy plastic gravity feeders and miniature victorian chicken coops in Guatemala!   No “Pet Chickens”either; the Mayan chicken works for a living!  How do people raise chickens on a subsistence budget?  How do they raise chicks?  Why don’t people steal all the loose chickens running amok?  Why don’t the feral dogs kill them?  Tune in and find out!

Finally, we got back from our trip to discover that our chickens are just too big, and eat too much.  Time to sell some on Craigslist.. Did we make or lose money raising the birds?  Was it worth it?   We’ll go over the considerations of when to sell birds, and how to make the most money.

We’re proud to celebrate our 10th episode of the podcast!  Whether its the bliss of Takeo Ischi’s German Chicken Yodeling, Mayan Shamans on how to raise chickens, or brilliant interviews with hot, freshly hatched chicks; we strive to bring you unique and interesting perspectives, art, insights, and cultural oddities from throughout space and time!  We love all things chicken, and we hope you do to!

This ain’t your grandmas chicken podcast, Its Your Mayan Grandma’s Chicken Podcast!

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